ValuedPatient - Healthcare Topics

Why can’t I see clearly at night?

You may be finding that increasingly your eyes are having trouble adjusting in dim light, or at night.  Whilst naturally as humans we can’t see as well at night, a healthy eye can adapt to the darkness. What...

Why am I having trouble reading now I’m older?

While some of us try to stave off the physical effects of aging, gradually losing our ability to focus on nearby objects is a natural part of the aging process that happens to us all.  This is known as...

Will my eyes get damaged if I read in poor light?

Many of us will remember reading a book by torch light in bed after lights out, possibly even hiding under the bedclothes.  You may have also have been told by your parents, or heard somewhere that reading in...

Eye-Friendly Exercises and Habits for Computer Workers: Nurturing Healthy Vision

In today’s digital age, many of us find ourselves spending long hours in front of computer screens. While technology has undoubtedly transformed our lives, it also poses challenges to our eye health...

Category - Eye Conditions

Reading Clearly at All Ages

Long-sightedness generally means difficulties focusing on near objects. Children who are long sighted often have trouble seeing up close first and may experience feelings of eye strain or headaches when reading. Later...

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Computers have been around for decades, but do you know what has changed…the amount of time that is spend in front of digital screens. Now that mobile devices, such as phones and tablets has overtaken the usage of...

What is Dry Eye?

What is Dry Eye?

What is Dry Eye? Dry eye starts to occur when there’s a failure to produce the adequate amount of tears to keep the eye’s surface lubricated. The risk of developing dry eye can happen at any age but is more common with...

Blue eye looking wideways

Astigmatism: A Guide

Astigmatism is generally regarded as the most misinterpreted vision issue for people. You might have it yourself, but not notice since it exists at many different levels, affecting people at various scales of severity...