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Skin Cancer Prevention 101

So the summer is coming up, and you’re looking forward to getting out of the house and spending some time in the sun. But what most people don’t take care of enough is their skin, especially when it comes to preventative measures to fend off Skin Cancer.

Skin Cancer is the most common form of cancer in most countries around the world, due to its association with the sun. It’s important to keep the following tips in your mind whenever you go out, even if it’s not in the summer, to keep yourself safe.

Tips For Staying Safe

  • Do Not Burn Or Tan: This might seem kinda obvious, but tanning isn’t exactly the safest activity when it involves being in the sun for so long when it comes to sun safety.
  • Seek Shade: Between 10 AM and 4 PM are when the sun’s rays are strongest, so be sure to stay in the shade as much as possible during these times.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Of course, if you find it difficult to stay in the shade during the above hours, then changing your attire might be the next best thing. Long-sleeved shirts and pants, as well as hats with a wide-brim, as well as sunglasses to protect your eyes, are some of the summertime staples of outdoor wear.
  • Use Sunscreen: Whether you are or aren’t wearing protective clothing, it’s important to go that extra step, and wear sunscreen. Applying some SPF 30 sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside, as well as reapplying it every 2 hours is the recommended coverage that most skin professionals recommend to stay safe.
  • Vitamin D: It’s extremely important to have good levels of Vitamin D, as it regulates good bone health. Naturally, we develop Vitamin D through the sun, but there are a variety of ways to get the right amounts, either through a healthy diet or through vitamin supplements.

Keep in mind these tips and you too can keep your skin as safe as possible. Be sure to carefully examine all of your skin once a month to potentially detect melanoma early before it can develop into something life-threatening.