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Desexing Your Pets – The Must-Knows

You might’ve just gotten yourself a kitten or a pup, or might be looking for one at the moment, and are curious about whether you should spay/neuter your pet. There are a variety of things to take into account when deciding whether to go through with it or not, as well as the end result for your furry friend afterwards.

Here are the things that you should inform yourself of when it comes to neutering/spaying your pet:

Why Should I Spay/Neuter My Pet?

Many people understand that this is an optional thing for your pet, it isn’t a necessary procedure by any means, but the benefits of having the procedure far outweigh not having it at all:

  • Female pets will generally live longer.
  • Prevents unwanted litters and also prevents testicular cancer in males
  • Males will generally be much better behaved due to a lack of testosterone.
  • Helps fight general pet overpopulation.
  • Females cats will not go into heat, or develop mammary cancer or “Pyometra”, a uterine infection.


There are many concerns that pet owners, or potential pet owners may have when it comes to these procedures, due to various rumors made on the internet that have spread over the years. Here are the answers to a few you might find concerning:

  • Will the procedure result in my cat/dog becoming fat or lazy? Absolutely not, as long as you are properly feeding them as well as ensuring they are getting enough exercise, this should not be a problem.
  • Should my female have a litter before being spayed? Nope, in fact this only increases the aforementioned overpopulation problem that spaying seeks to help fight. There’s no evidence to suggest your pet will be healthier for doing this either.
  • At what age should I take my pet to be spayed/neutered? This is a heavily debated subject between pet experts, however the general consensus is between the ages of 5 months and 9 months for the best possibility at a good personality for the pet.